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Ephesians 5:11 — Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.

Exposing witchcraft and the occult with the light of Christ to foster societal awareness for a growing issue that is too often ignored. 
Expose The Darkness - Mockup 1


Conversations about witchcraft and the occult are often avoided and ignored. Why? Several reasons! 1) These things are scary, no doubt. 2) Many fear being perceived as crazy. 3) Science measures the physical. The spirit and spirit realm are not measurable by scientific methods and therefore are largely ignored in research which drives the professional world. 4) The devil wants it this way. He operates under the cover of darkness and hates when his works are exposed. When these issues remain in secrecy, it leaves those afflicted feeling helpless, alone, and forced to struggle in silence. Whether or not you have dabbled in occult practices, it is very likely that you know someone who has. It is through boldly creating spaces for these conversations that Expose the Darkness will advocate for those deceived to encounter the truth.


Are you under the impression that witches are green-skinned and hideous? Or that Satan has a pointed tail and a pitchfork? Evil introduces and then diminishes itself so that it is accepted as fairy-tale, make-believe, mythical, and nothing but a fun joke. The devil hides in plain sight, only to tell us he does not exist. This is intentional deception by the father of lies. Anyone who researches witchcraft will likely encounter many sources encouraging New Age or occult practices “if done correctly” or “with positive intentions.” False enlightenment for sale! Every form of witchcraft is a demonic transaction, and any power, knowledge, or control received through divination allows demonic access to one’s life. Expose the Darkness is a Christ-centered, truth-based resource seeking to educate anyone with questions on the topic.


The word occult means “hidden, secret, or disclosed.” As long as these conversations aren’t happening, the devil continues to do his work under the cover of darkness, where he is not seen. The light of Christ, which is the truth, shines into darkness and exposes the lie. When false enlightenment is replaced by real light and truth, Satan is left with no place to hide. May the everlasting light of Christ illuminate the truth, bring awareness to these spiritual issues, and expose the darkness for exactly what it is.

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About Kayla

Kayla Maximovich Ogg is a licensed professional counselor, university instructor, mentor, life coach, and published author who is working alongside the Holy Spirit to establish Expose the Darkness as a ministry in motion. Kayla graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Akron in 2020. There she served as the chapter president of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology. In 2023, Kayla graduated summa cum laude with a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Kayla is inspired by the depth of the human mind and the uniqueness of every individual she encounters. Beyond her endeavors with creative writing, public speaking, and developing Expose the Darkness, she enjoys worshipping, traveling with her husband, hiking, kayaking, twirling fire, thrift shopping, and spending time with her friends and family.

“I used to follow my dreams in a literal sense, never satisfied and always chasing more. God has given me a new dream, one worth my life’s pursuit. It is my deepest passion to expose the enemy who sought to destroy me and to glorify the God who sacrificed His life to save me. What He has done for me, He can also do for you. Praise God, forever!" —Kayla

Expose the Darkness: Lost and Found is a true story about Kayla’s experiences with the mysterious world of dreams and how Jesus Christ rescued her from practices of spiritual darkness. This memoir describes Kayla’s attempt to escape from constant sleep paralysis attacks through practicing astral projection, a method of witchcraft which involves leaving one’s body behind and traveling about the spirit realm without it. Caught up in false enlightenment, Kayla believed that these New Age practices were helping her find freedom, control, and power. In reality, these practices were drawing in more demonic attention than ever. On the brink of spiritual disaster, Kayla fell to her knees and cried out to God. But nothing could prepare her for what she would see when He turned on the lights. Having witnessed the true power of Jesus’ name, Kayla’s mission is to shed light on the hidden forces of spiritual deception in our society and empower others to break free from the chains of darkness. In this eye-opening memoir, join Kayla in an unimaginable journey as the light of Christ restores the truth and exposes the darkness! 

Expose The Darkness - Mockup 2


Amazing! Kayla is beautiful inside and out! Thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing your story, this can definitely help someone going through something similar or even the same thing! So well spoken and beautifully written! I had chills while reading and wanted to keep turning the pages to see what was going to happen next!

Maisy M.

My Books

Has Jesus also saved you from New Age, occult, or witchcraft practices of any kind?


Submit your story below for a chance to be featured on this page. 

The darkness that I was involved in manifested itself in many ways throughout many years. Substance abuse had such a grip on my life. When I finally got clean, I thought I was free, but I was not because I was still searching for God in all the wrong places. True freedom can only be found in God. 

       A fascination of occult practices started to engulf my world. Alters in the tree, exchange of bodily fluids, the burning of cow dung. Yet no matter what I tried to reach this stage of “enlightenment”, I never felt whole. Back then my main religious practices were eastern and new age spirituality. Thankfully, I found Jesus Christ and that is when I truly became whole. I realized that all of these occult practices, rituals, false religions seem shiny on the outside. The devil has them wrapped in pretty little packages with a perfect Bow. However, it will always lead to the same place. No matter what. & that is darkness. 

Elle T.


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